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Auburn Sentinel

Uniting for Women's Day

Mar 23, 2023 12:00AM ● By Story and photo by Susan Maxwell Skinner

Together Women Rise members marked International Women's Day at Carmichael Presbyterian Church. Event co-organizer is Ingrid Rosten (standing left) who leads TWR's Rancho Cordova chapter.

CARMICHAEL, CA (MPG) - The Together Women Rise (TWR) organization celebrated International Women’s Day in Carmichael on Saturday, March 11.

Sacramento, Rancho Cordova and Placerville Chapters of the national movement hosted a gathering at Carmichael Presbyterian Church. More than 100 supporters attended. The 20-year-old group seeks gender equality and funds grants to nonprofits that empower women in developing countries.

With more than 400 chapters, the sisterhood is among the largest giving circles in the USA.

Members lunched, networked and experienced cultural displays. Featured grant recipient at the event was a group called Too Young to Wed. The Kenyan nonprofit – that advocates for girls pressured into early marriages – recently received a $50,000 grant through Together Women Rise.

“Our celebration was a huge success,” said Rancho Cordova Chapter leader Ingrid Rosten. “We brought together women from across our communities. We learned, we nurtured and we celebrated.”

Learn about Together Women rise at