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Auburn Sentinel

More Than $9 Million Of TOT Funding Approved for Community Projects In North Lake Tahoe

Jan 21, 2025 05:21PM ● By Placer County News Release

AUBURN, CA (MPG) - The Placer County Board of Supervisors approved more than $9 million of transient occupancy tax funding for a total of seven projects in North Lake Tahoe this week. The projects fall into three categories: facilities, trails and transportation.


Community art and gathering space – $250,000


North Tahoe Trail access improvements – $472,000

Tahoe City Public Utilities District Multi-Use Trail, West Shore reconstruction project – $3,537,625 

North Tahoe Shared Use Trail, Segment 1 construction with Placer County – $2,835,000

Martis Valley Trail, Segment 3F gap funding – $1,215,000


Radar speed sign project with Placer County – $50,000

Tahoe City Downtown Access Improvements project with Placer County – $741,000

By long-standing county policy, all TOT revenue collected in eastern Placer County is reinvested to benefit eastern Placer County. The seven projects were solicited, vetted and recommended through the TOT-TBID Dollars at Work program with recommendations from the TOT Committee and North Tahoe Community Alliance’s Board of Directors.

“I want to commend all the work the NTCA and our staff have done here,” said District 5 Supervisor Cindy Gustafson. “This is a really delicate balancing act. When you look at the greatest needs in our community, look at the services we need and how we deploy those, they are doing a huge amount of vetting in the community. There’s always more to be done, but we can be proud of the work on these projects.”


The North Tahoe Public Utilities District will receive $250,000 in funding to construct a new outdoor community art and gathering space for the Tahoe Vista and Kings Beach communities at North Tahoe Regional Park. This expands the utility district’s ability to offer high-quality community programming, special events, educational activities and more.


The North Public Utilities District will also receive $472,000 in funding to complete access improvements along the North Tahoe Trail. This includes expanding the popular Pam Emmerich Memorial Pinedrop Trail, improving access to trails, increasing pedestrian and bicycle safety, installing wayfinding signage and connecting to community recreation amenities at the North Tahoe Regional Park.

The Tahoe City Public Utilities District will receive $3,537,625 million for reconstruction of the TCPUD Multi-Use Trail, which is a multi-year project. Much of the funding will be used this summer to replace the aged and failing infrastructure of the current trail between Sunnyside Resort and Idlewild Way on the west shore of Lake Tahoe, while improving user safety, adhering to Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990 compliance and improving drainage to protect Lake Tahoe. The remaining funding is designated for an additional segment along the west shore with work scheduled for 2026.

Placer County’s Department of Public Works will receive $2.8 million in funding to complete a 2.4-mile section of the North Tahoe shared-use trail called Segment 1. This will connect residents and guests from the North Tahoe Regional Park in Tahoe Vista to Carnelian Bay and is part of a larger effort to complete a paved multi-use trail from Tahoe City to Kings Beach.

The Northstar Community Service District will receive $1.2 million in funding to complete a 1.23-mile segment of Martis Valley Trail between the Castle Peak parking lots and the Northstar Village.


Placer’s Department of Public Works will receive $50,000 in funding to purchase four new radar speed feedback signs for rapid deployment in North Tahoe neighborhoods. This project falls under the county’s North Tahoe Neighborhood Management program.

Placer County also received $741,000 to move forward with the Tahoe City Downtown Access Improvements project. This includes expansion of the Grove Street parking lot, the purchase and installation of electric vehicle charging infrastructure, pedestrian improvements and the potential addition of a public restroom.

Learn more about TOT-TBID Dollars At Work here.